Monday, January 18, 2010

U smile i smile, they smile we smile

"The life without your smile is a life without meaning."
-- Gary Bloom

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity."
-- George Eliot

 "Start every day off with a smile and get it over with."
-- W. C. Fields

"If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook."
-- Les Giblin

"Smile, it's free therapy."
-- Doug Horton

"Smile will help you to grow up in greater love for each other."

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword."
-- Charles Reade

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
-- William Shakespeare

"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been."
-- Mark Twain

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."
-- Denis Waitley

"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness."
-- William Arthur Ward 

"Your smile is your first introduction."

"All people smile in the same language."

"A smile is like looking in a mirror. If you give a smile you're likely to get one back!"

"Senyumlah dari hati, anda akan membuatkan orang lain gembira"

"Kadang kala, senyuman bermaksud penghargaan ".

"A smile can bring you near to me"

Did you ever heard of Smiley Land?

Back in the 1800's it was rumored that smileys actually did exit. They were said to be evil little creatures that only came out at night. It as said they spied on humans. And stole all their food.

In the early 1990's this was believed to be untrue... Smileys were thought to be a depressed species, the species that moped around and cried all the time..
In 1952 the speciies had almost all died out, due to overwhelming depression.  Only one smiley remaind..

So, he made a wish...
that everytimes a human smiled.. A new smiley would be born. You went by and nobody ever smiled. He was just about to give up hope. When somebody finally smiled, and a new smiley was born.

Then another..

then another..

and another..

Then began multiplying again. People starting smiling and grinning like crazy. All of sudden, it had become cool to smile again!.
Each cheesy smile ere acceptable.
Weirdo smileys began to surface...

They began to fall in LOVE. 

It began to rain smileys.
They was dancing in the streets.
There was a huge celebration..
They all came together..
And smiley land as formed.

Is there someone you know who could use a smile?
Or perhaps about 300 smileys?
Brighten sombody's day...... Please smile.

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